Saturday, March 13, 2010

Grand Kids Are Special

I have 5 Grandchildren, 3 girls and 2 boy. Which the 2 youngest ones live here at grandpa's. The 2 youngest ones were born this year and during this term. So yes I have been very busy this term.
The oldest is Alex Frances. She was born in Feb, 2006. Then her little sister Lillian frances. She was born in Jan, 2008. Both of them are in TN. with there mother and father. They belong to the oles daughter April.
The first grand son Harlen Reidman was born March 5, 2009. He belongs to the son. Which none of get to see him due to his mother. But hopefully that will be changing here soon.
Now for the two new Born's for 2010. The grandson
who's is named after his dad and I. His name is Ronald Lee Trimmer III, was born Jan. 29, 2010, at 10:29 PM, he weighed 8 lbs 2 oz, and was 20 inches long.
Then the newest grand daughter her name is Michelle Roze Davis. I'm not happy with the last name. She weighed 6 lbs 14 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. She belongs to the youngest daughter Elisabeth who is 17 years old. She still has 2 years of high school to go. Her plans are to finish high school and then go to college.
Both the son and his girl friend and our youngest daughter and the two new born grand babies live here, plush the first ex or the kids mother and I all live together. So the kids and grand kids have grandpa and grandma to help them out if need be.
Now out of the two babies who is the loudest one? I will say this much Michelle had everyone up the first night that she was home. The uncle and grandma also had to work that day to so they were not to happy of campers.
As grand parents you want to be there for all the kids and grand kids. As a parent you don't really get to see your kids grow as you would like to if you in the armed services. Because you gone a lot of the time. So now I'm try to spend as much time with the kids and the grand kids as I can.


  1. Aww they are too cute! See that wasn't hard to put the pics up. Great job Ron!!!

  2. Thanks, Jahaitian, It took me 5 time to get it done since it only lets you put 5 pictures on here. So I have to go back and fugire out the five I wanted to post.

  3. God blessed you with some cuties!

  4. Ronald, how incredible for all of you. They are adorable...but kids are kids and can be loud and demanding of what they want and need! LOL. prof j

  5. Ron, busy house! but very adorable babies!! :)

  6. Thanks all but you have to love all but not just one. I beleave that it is the family that most of the life so enjoyable through rough and bad time now matter what....
